All your science are belong to us :)
Genome@Home Rank#
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Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is Araucaria Project?

Araucaria Project is the code name of science software package for Linux. The official name is ScienceLinux (SL).

  • Who should use SL?

Anyone with any interest in science. From K-12 students to a Molecular Biology Ph.D researcher. We aim to make it easier to use for everyone. As Linux grows, most users are new to the Operating System and don't know how to compile and configure new software, skills often required due to the nature of most science software (it seldom comes in RPM style) but the standard distros lack most of this not so common software.

  • Why Linux?

Linux is a Operating System based on Unix, a very strong platform for scientific use. Besides historical reasons, Linux has many advantages over other Operating Systems to mention here. For more info regarding Linux, you could visit:
Linux International

  • Why just don't add the program I want to any standard linux distro?

You could spend thousands of hours searching, downloading, compiling, configuring and testing software or just let us do it for you. This is a complete science development environment including customized man pages, science papers, very selected bookmarks and exclusive web services.

The development is leading by Genes Digitales, but many people from Quilmes National University and other places are helping us out. You could see a more complete list here (we'll even include pictures soon, so stay tuned!). You can also collaborate with this project, as a science software developer or as an end user.

  • Why Genes Digitales is giving this great software for free?

Genes Digitales is a Bioinformatic Consultant service, not just a software company. We expect to generate revenue from consulting services, not selling software. Besides, we do agree with the General Public License (GPL) witch our distro is released.

  • What is Genome@Home (G@H)?

It is a distributed computing project run by an academic institution (the Pande Group, at Stanford University's Chemistry Department), which is a non-profit institution dedicated to science research and education. The aim is to design new sequences for existing 3-D protein structures, which come from real genomes.The protein structure files that are sent out as work contain the Cartesian atomic coordinates of a protein.

The Genome@home data will be used to:

- Try to unravel a fundamental issue in the "protein folding problem" (which itself lies at the heart of a huge amount of modern biomedical research): the fact that thousands of different sequences can all form the same three-dimensional structure.
- Predict the functions of newly discovered genes and protein structures. Modern approaches to structural biology, known as "proteomics" or "structural genomics", often solve protein structures without knowing what the proteins do. Because techniques for function prediction tend to work best with large amounts of sequence data, a virtual library of sequences for a new protein structure will be an invaluable resource.
-Potentially design and make new versions of existing proteins for use in medical therapy.

  • Is Genes Digitales part of G@H?

We aren't part of G@H, but we are part of a team participating on G@H.

  • Why are you running Araucaria Team on G@H?

We believe in the importance of the G@H project and we are using G@H as an "Impact Index" of our distro. Higher the position of Araucaria Team, higher the number of SL users.

  • Do I need to use ScienceLinux in order to participate in Araucaria Team?

No. The ideal case would be if you use the Linux client under ScienceLinux, but if you want to support our software (and you still don't have it), you could use the Windows client (as long as you use 2009540749 as Team Number).

If you have more questions regarding G@H. Please take a look at the G@H FAQ.

The UNQ is sponsoring (through the Special Projects Support Office) Genes Digitales, the Bioinformatic Consultant service who is leading the development of ScienceLinux

The sponsorship consists on computer equipment, software (Kylix), reading material and a suitable office. BTW, UNQ rulez :)


Universidad Nacional de Quilmes SourceForge Logo Genome@Home Genes Digitales